We all are aware of the fact that India is all geared up to educate its citizens by all means. But how many of you agree with this? How many of us are really benefitted by this? What is the meaning of education to the Government? How is the Government going to see to it that the education system is democratic? Democratic, by the word, I mean education that not reserved based on caste. Let’s tackle this issue one by one. Firstly, the Government, IMHO, is thinking that, if everyone knows to read/write and sign their name, then country is literate. With this intention, we aren’t going to reach great heights. I’ve points to justify. Firstly, people should be educated to know that, “Known is a drop, unknown is an ocean”. The education mission launched by Government is more like, Ok, if you know to sign your name, we agree that you are literate. The mentality of people after attending a few, probably night classes becomes that, Yes, I’ve reached the pinnacle, now wha...
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