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A psychological view on femininity and gender

Femininity refers to behaviour and ideas associated with womanliness or normative female sexuality, separable from women’s anatomical sex. As intersexual, men and women can all possess femininity, so historically the organization of this quality is quite diverse. Particularly in the transnational movement of ideas, practices and habits, conflicts occur over how feminine normality is to be understood and enforced. Thus it is important to explore femininity as such in relation to political spatiality’s or regions. In light of current Pacific Area politics and commodity flows it is illuminating to see questions of femininity via regional politics among Tokyo, London, New York, Shanghai and Beijing rather than, for instance, Buenos Aires, Mexico, Madrid, Paris and Washington. Events in Tokyo, London, Washington, Shanghai and Beijing lay at the bottom of one crisis that erupted over the question of who definitively owned normal femininity in the period of colonial modernity.
The power of transnational capital to transform states and rewrite interregional trade relations accelerated in the mid-19th  century, when Brit ain,  the United States and other imperialists sought to marketise China and Japan and assimilate the Korean peninsula into a new region named the Far East  (now  East  Asia).  The Japanese Imperial Meiji state rose and the Chinese Qing dynasty devolved to a weak form of republicanism. As the United States accelerated its empire building in the Pacific, sub imperialism emerged in which the Japanese state and corporate it ies seized territory, markets and labour on the China mainland, Taiwan, Okinawa, Korea and other traditional Chinese suzerainties.
Feminism is often portrayed as a monolithic entity, a unitary political movement with a single agenda, a relic of the past. This lecture introduces students to a social movement and body of scholarship that remains at heart, dynamic rather than static, diverse rather than uniform. It engages with liberal feminism, radical (or cultural) feminism, equality feminism, difference feminism, corporeal feminism, intersectional feminism, and poststructuralist feminism. We also trace the institutionalisation of gender studies in the academy through women’s studies, with an emphasis on the Australian context.
For example three movies named “Personal Best”, “A League of their own”, and “Pumping Iron II” visualise the ideas of being Female, Feminine and Feminist. The all problems of disclosing or interpretating which are personified in such a way that this kind of feminism language in these movies is explained and this only think about the feminism and gender.
The movie “Personal Best” is the story of two friends who got in to a personal relationship as lovers and struggled about their personal relationship to make in balance for their athletic ambitions in their life. The producers or directors of this movie were trying to show a leap or take a leap in means of broaching a topic that was not acceptable during that time. While making a strong attempt to visualize or characterize Femininity concept and being feminine, was more than people thinking because feminine was not in traditional to show her as an image of gentle, soft-spoken sweat girl dresses with pretty clothes but it was sexually charged feeling girl which was rather than a normal girl. In movies visualization of showing pictures of women who are strong, athletic, sexy, bold and beautiful on the track field means to redefine some of our preconceptions of what is feminine.
Most of the movies that show the sprinkled with lots of scenes of naked females during steam bath or over top clothes of female while completing the high jump the women are showing their naked body in most of Hollywood movies. These movies and show compel us to think what is femininity or what does it stand for? People think that feminine can only be seen if the women are a writer or director who has the thought of women.
The directors or producers of the movies “A League of their Own” were analysed a lot before writing scripting to show feminine in their scenes that gave personality and depth to each of the characters that femininity have its different forms. They showed the women in different forms and visualised to show that beauty queens, farm girls and sex pots all these characters are feminine. This movie successfully showed that how social pleasures can be by feminine during the time with scenes of the girls acting feminine on the field, taking etiquette classes and these women was judged on their beauty. All these things were successfully demonstrated in this movie and it is a good example of feminine gender.  Particularly, conventionally it can be observed that the least attractive girl or women is also seen as conventionally feminine.
It can be seen that through visualisation in this movie that the commentary on feminism predicts the actual meaning of feminism. It shows explores of women’s desire to play or act the same as men, and play sports as men and bear all the difficulties as men. The women can achieve all things of athletic quality as men. After the baseball league war the women did not persist because of the fact that the movement on a great stride for the women for equality in the last centuries shows a strong feminine perspective. If you look in to the deep thought of the movie you will see that all women in this movie are feminists having their strong desire for their own right as equally as men. Also to break cultural expectations and stereotypes for breaking the myth to play same game as men they did everything.
In another case if you will watch movie “Pumping Iron II” which is based on female bodybuilders. This addressed the femininity in society and was able to depict what is femininity. The complete focus was on Women International body building competition and the standards for the women defined in the competition.


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