As I have generally seen the modern world is kind of against moustache and any man with big moustache is seen either as a child molester or a hired killer. There was a time when men with big moustache were seen as someone belonging to the royal family with heritage and big coffers filled with cash. It is quite shocking to see how times have changed and big moustache is attached with big uncles and old fashioned men. However a deeper look can reveal how moustache can be sexy. In this post we have brought together some points to show how moustache can increase the sex appeal of a man and more than that add some advantages to his daily life routines. Reason 1: Real men have moustache Since times immemorial, from mythological men to the present day, moustaches have stood for strength, valour and personality. In India, it has always been manly to have a moustache, and there was a certain pride to having a moustache, till of course, David Beckham came along. To further prove my point, let us...