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10 Important Benefits of kissing has been published on COGXIO.COM LAB

Reference based on the “science of kissing: what our lips are telling us”

A kiss is a sentimental expression of love, devotion, kindness, warmth, friendship, greeting and respect. In moat of the cases kiss is a romantic tribute faced by lovers. However, it is not just limited to the expression of love; kiss has its other flavors too. Scientifically kiss have proved many benefits including good and maintained health.



Kissing keeps you healthy:

Kissing activates a series of physiological actions inside the body as a result of which boost your immunity as well as grooms your body in a decent manner. It has other health benefits including happiness and stress free behavioral change.


Helps to maintain body weight:

Kissing burns a good amount of calories. It increases the heartbeat and eventually releases hormone adrenaline and other neurotransmitters in the blood. This would increase the metabolic rate of the body and hence will burn away calories. So keep kissing at regular intervals and you are out to worry about your gym and body fitness.


Pain relieving:

As it is stress relieving it is also pain relieving. During any exercise there is a release of hormones called endorphins. These are a type of neurotransmitters which binds to specialized receptors of other neurotransmitters responsible for pain. And as a result would block those transmitters. . Also, it has been found that these hormones play a major role in enhanced insulin sensitivity.


Boosting your immunity:

When it comes to improving your immune system; exercise is more important than diet. It has been found that kissing elevates immune system Also during kissing the production of saliva is increased from salivary glands. It produces antibodies which thus generates a barrier against pathogens and thus boosting our immune system.


Prevents oral cavities:

The saliva cleanses the bacteria that are responsible for oral cavities. So a kiss would definitely keep you away from your dentist for a long duration.

Note: However, sometimes saliva may also be the case of several diseases if it is infected.


Release stress/ decreases cholesterol level:

In a particular study it has been seen that individuals with prolonged kissing showed lower stress and cholesterol level.along with it; lowers the blood pressure and keeps your heart healthy. So next time don’t put on a diet to reduce your cholesterol; just put on more fun in the form of kissing.


Helps to pick the best mate:

This might be offbeat, but kissing helps in determining who are you most compatible with. It is said that out of 12 cranial nerves, 5 nerves pics the data from the mouth. These are the most sensitive ones and so while kissing these nerves would communicate your likings and disliking.


Tones the facial muscles:

According to scientific research there is the use of 30 different muscles during a kiss and more while a smooch. It thereby helps to shape up your jaw and neck muscles.


Alters severe mood disorder:

There are numerous hormones released during kissing; one among it is dopamine. It is a hormone that affects the movement, emotions and sensation of pleasure and pain. It has been prescribed as a medicine by various doctors against depressive moods and bipolar disorder.


Access for a longer life:

Researchers have found that an early morning kiss to your spouse would add 5 years of life to him.

Kissing is not just pecking of two lips; it has more than just called benefits including mental and physical. Have a romantic life with health in bonus. To add to all the above points our human system is a complex system, which combines body mechanism and emotions to drive the body, mind and health. It is complete interlinking of a system that if a particular part of the body is cuddled or expressed love towards it, a kind of hormonal secretion starts which helps in boosting positive emotions, so in a way, kissing is a practice to stay healthy and happy.

Keep kissing!



10 Important Benefits of kissing


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