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Why girls think a guy with moustache is sexier?

As I have generally seen the modern world is kind of against moustache and any man with big moustache is seen either as a child molester or a hired killer. There was a time when men with big moustache were seen as someone belonging to the royal family with heritage and big coffers filled with cash.

It is quite shocking to see how times have changed and big moustache is attached with big uncles and old fashioned men. However a deeper look can reveal how moustache can be sexy. In this post we have brought together some points to show how moustache can increase the sex appeal of a man and more than that add some advantages to his daily life routines.

Reason 1: Real men have moustache

Since times immemorial, from mythological men to the present day, moustaches have stood for strength, valour and personality. In India, it has always been manly to have a moustache, and there was a certain pride to having a moustache, till of course, David Beckham came along.

To further prove my point, let us take the example of two men from our mythology. Indra and Narakasura. Narakasura, like many of his asura brothers, was a much-moustachioed man. Legend has it that, he had 16,100 wives.

Indra, on the other hand was clean shaven. His apsara, Urvashi left him for Vishwamitra, someone who was not exactly clean shaven.

When Gillette claims that 89% of women prefer clean-shaven men, I don’t know where they got the data from, but I am sure the survey was not done in South India. Real men have moustaches. The owner of the most famous moustache in India, Veerappan, ironically had trimmed his moustache, when he was shot dead.

Reason 2: Moustache keeps children and irritating girls away

Intelligent, mature girls like men with moustaches. Not the type who say “LOL !! ROFLMAO” on cute puppy videos. In fact, a moustache works like an Odomos if you want to avoid such company.

The same goes for children. The worst kind of cute children are those who know they are cute. They are so used to being cuddled that, even if you go near them, they’ll stretch their hands out, waiting to be ‘goo-goo-gaa-gaa’ ed.

Here’s where a moustache comes in handy. Not only will the child run away from you, it will imagine you as the monster that’ll carry him away if he doesn’t eat his food. A moustache is for those who are focussed on their target audience.

Reason 3: A moustache makes your partner look better

Since the world is so prejudiced against moustaches, and since ‘looks’ depend on perception, having a moustache makes your partner look great in comparision.

Imagine walking into a party with a girl. The people (who obviously donot appreciate the finer things like moustaches) will first talk your moustache, and then notice your partner. “Eeeeeeeew, what is she doing with him?”, they’ll wonder.

This automatically elevates the girl to a higher position in the relationship, and gives the requisite amount of feel-goodness required. To further prove my point, have a look at the two pictures below:

Source: Heartranjan Blog Source: Heartranjan Blog

Even if big shaving brands proclaim that 89% of woman like well shaven men let me tell you the fact remains that the remaining 11% still likes the moustache and your competition is also less in this segment. So go ahead and grow a mooch, because with a mooch you are just a letter away from “Smooch”.

So guys get grow your moustache and beard to looks sexy and grab the girl! @Girls, what you think, do you like moustache and beard men or guy, if so do comment below!

Why girls think a guy with moustache is sexier?


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